Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Steps to Lose More Fat and Keep More Muscle (Part-1)

If you have successfully assessed your body composition and know that you
have some excess body fat to tackle, here we deal with how to lose the fat
and keep the muscle.

First, despite what you may have heard, it can be challenging to lose
body fat entirely when you lose weight. In fact, for every pound you lose, you will always lose some lean body mass, and that has much to do with

how drastically you cut your calories and protein intake and how much
body fat you currently have.

However, no matter how slow or how fast you lose weight, some percentage
of the weight loss will be nonfat mass. An interesting review of
studies showed that you can lose 80 percent nonfat mass when losing
weight when you are lean to begin with and attempt to cut calories too
drastically. In the best-case scenarios, which have been done with overweight
or obese individuals, they can lose a higher percentage of fat mass
when they adhere to a diet and exercise program. However, individuals
with 10 or 15 percent body fat to start with will lose more than 50 percent
fat-free mass when losing weight.

To maximize fat loss, it’s important to take the right steps to lose weight,
which is to only moderately cut calories and watch nutrient timing and
protein quality in the diet to help spare as much lean tissue as possible.
Most research suggests that a combination of diet and exercise is best for
achieving weight loss and keeping it off. However, when it comes to just
losing weight, diet is the most effective. Consider this study: Six
endurance-trained men followed a diet with a 1,000-calorie-per-day deficit
for seven days by either (a) exercising more while maintaining their
caloric intake, or (b) eating less while keeping exercise the same. The
exercise group lost only 1.67 pounds, and the diet group lost 4.75 pounds.

However, other studies in well-controlled environments have found that
whether the caloric deficit is attained by diet or exercise, the net weight
loss should be the same.
We recommend a combination of diet and exercise, with an emphasis
on diet until you reach your goal body composition. (Ref: 7sp26)

To Be Continued...

Vist http://www.easyhealthandsafety.com for a Healthy Easy Natural Way of losing weight. The ebook will take you to a tour of successful healthy weight loss process.

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